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Monday 13 June 2011

WHAT a fluctuating feelings !

Finally , time to blog well im sorry i miss 3 days of blogging .
its been sucha tiring days for me seriously working for 12 hours a day , talking non stop , promoting and standing all day long . i guess its cause its been sucha long time since i work so ..
anyway alot has happen these days
get ready for the longest blog ever hah

On 10/6/2011 ,
was my bro birthday we did not celebrate it as a family because he was overseas with my mum while im stuck here in singapore wt my dad =,=
both of us have to work coincidencly so we cnt follow them along .
My dad and I couldnt get along well . seriously if i cn pick which parent i love most it would be my mum
My dad he only provide back up support and will not physically show his love for me but tends to hold tight to my freedom . i couldnt accept that !
We fought coz of miscommunication and i accidentally swear to him `musibot` and he couldnt accept that . neither am i apologizing coz he started it first both are tired form work i noe but at least keep it calm ur an adult living for close to 45 years while im juz a teenage whom is at a rebellious state . i noe dat im in a wrong but i couldnt find myself saying sorry to him . hmm . called mum to tell wat happened . bro cried coz he realized that every time on his birthday my dad and i will fight or argue like nobody business . last year dad punch me in the public literally like child abusing(he didnt hurt me dat bad he was juz squeezing my wrist and ask who im friend with) me under our void deck but luckily it was late at night . i doubt dat mom cried to =( my dad and i will never get along like hw we use to when i was a toddler . i feel that hatred for him but couldnt do anything as he is apparently my biological father so i will have to brace myself then .. really need counselling to help this father and daughter relationship . its ok being a mummy`s girl is way betta i love you so much mom and im sorry for all that ive caused you .

On 12/6/2011
was the last day for the IT show i was so ready to taste that 8 hour of sleep again . while at work i was so lethargic that i manage to only sell 8 laptop rather than close to 12 laptops .
ate alot working at suntec . burger king lh , starbucks lh , and much much more ! so i have to start working out nwadays . after the whole IT show which consist of mainly chinese like only 3 of us out of 20 plus people were malay . haha but i was nice working wt the chinese ppl they were all so friendly and way much betta interms of their thinking . we went to gluttons bay after that to get supper . it was fun with a lil bit of martell hah shhhh ! ok den went back home ard 12 plus and literally ran for our last train to woodlands dayum wat a luck that we catch that train . lari lintang pukang eh ? hah . so reached home watch youtube videos then sleep and here i am good afternoon everyone yes , rifqah aru angon tido heh .
so jyeah i will definitely post some pictures here .. Sabar , patience kay ?
 This is one of the most expensive lappy for gamers n im actually liking it hah worth 3598 bucks !