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Tuesday 21 June 2011

sorry GUYZ

When something major happen in life ..
and it makes me devastated , sad and so damn pissed ..
everyone ard me get fucked up too
that`s ego huh ?
well im sorry .. if im in this kinda mood i would appreciate if all of you back of and leave me some space
let me get myself relax .. then when i start talking to you den its safe
im sorry . seriously
i juz pull an attitude on mum , dad and darlene

My relationship with remy has become from bad to worse
dats it he`s really ending it so i`ll ju have to bear and stay strong ='(
im sorry darlene im actually pissed off with you coz i realize if wat u were doing yest was juz to start a conversation with him by helping me out which make me happy only for awhile . and when i text him i gt to noe dat wateva i have in mind for him is not gonna turn his decision around ..
so dats why . im sorry darlene .
as for remy he doesnt belive in the word last .
haha i thought it was somekind of fairytale ..
but when he explained it to me somehow something hit me
last meet up and last forever .. he doesnt believe in the word last
which means there is no such thang as the last meet up ( we cn till meet up anytime soon ) and last forever ( that nothing really last )
den i gt myself so confused !
pimples tend to break out whenever im stressed and guess wat ive gt 3 zits waiting to explode i ve nt yet started my revision so i guess thinking bout this also get me so stressed up
now im thinking if remy were to do this to me den hws my o level result ?
haiz ....

i was so sad and gt the right things to cheer myself up that is shopping gosh i `ve gt alot of affordable accessories online .. shopping online so relaxing haha juz dat the worse part is to wait for it to reach singapore took close to 2 weeks ! .. den got my self a nail polish at faceshop they were having sales so i guess its a good deal . the colour are awesome as well .. got the lightest jade green , metallic purple , metallic dark blue , top coat and also the removable solution less than 15 bucks awesome ayy ! so was happy for a moment .. .