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Wednesday 15 June 2011


Day started off so slacky today
as soon as im awake i was on the comp for close to 5 hours !
haha ikr am suppose to be studying but so malas gosh !
im scared bout it but never do anything bout it wth ?
wat a rough day meeting remy today hmm seriously
i dont wanna fight with him but he aint happy that i msg-ed apiz to go karaoke
hw many times must i told him dat i and apiz is juz friends and that i wont cheat on him beside we aint got any status lagi pn but tk boleh salah kn dia lah he`s juz scared dats all
im really having PMS currently so from a small situation it became big but wait he`s really controlling me !
deactivate facebook , tk boleh buat tu ni , youtube sume delete den wat he nk tarik my guy friends plak ? sape tk mengamok . but i still love him . the fact that guys ard me like my dad and remy is so overprotective is driving me crazy come on lh take a chill pill dontcha know im born with a working brain too ? uh hello !
so wateva i did throw tantrums at him and hurt him physically , throwing my handphones ard hah wat a scene i noe haiz ..
den tros dh tkde selera nk minum caramel cookie yg remy beli kan haiz i actually ngah mengidam sey tu haha ! k den dh pissed off went to dinah house where mariam isz and durrah is found tsk .
slack den danny came home gave him a big hug ! my gawd hw much i miss you bud and nw that ure ald attach im happy for you . sayang danny , rindu danny ! lama tk jumpa dia hmm .. we are all bz wt our school work huh .
hope one day we could meet up like we used to =(
so went to grandma house to gt my guitar which i left it there for weeks now
den head home and mommy cooked this delicious western dish basically consists of mash potato , veggies , muchsroom bistro soup and garlic bread which is my meal for today delicious !

did i mention that turquoise is currently the best and my favourite colour !
yes it is im really obesessed wt this colour !
as you cn see from my nails heh

so i go ahead and spoil myself further byoruchasing this earrings and necklace which is part of a tribal design and turquoise colour ! tsk its affordable too hee

oklah thats all for now . im nt turning in yet as i ald did have a nap earlier on and nw i cnt sleep well am juz gonna watch youtube video till my eyes went droopy den .
hmm kesian remy mesti ngah tido skrg besok keje .. sayaaang dia tap dia suka tunjuk perangai cmne eh susah or whut ? hmm
feels like making a cover tomorrow so check it out ayy