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Thursday 16 June 2011

Let It rest PLEASE !

you noe sometimes when u tried so hard to make ur significant other happy
and on the other hand to also not lose your guy friends
it gets really tough ..
sometimes i juz want the same guy to attain that kinda attitude like its ok although i dont quite fancy your guy friend u still cn be around them but noe ur limits ok ..
but sadly he`s not like that . he doesnt have dat particular trust on me . he doesnt noe hw to make me feel alright he keeps on making me feel so bad bout even the smallest thang . i noe easy for you to say tk leh tahan lupakan saja .
but he really means the whole world to me for some reason although he change alot in appearance especially i will still be running back to him . sometimes i juz hate that i love you !
i`ve tried so hard to get him closer to my family .. with a dad like that and he`s appearance i juz wonder will it ever work ?
sometimes i also wonder if HE IS ACTUALLY THE RIGHT GUY FOR ME ??
i guess i juz wouldnt give up on him huh .
Dear Remy ,
we have been togetha for almost 3 years now . its so hard to let you go . even if situation and time doesnt allow us to be together we would still try and make it work . am juz exhausted with your slumber attitude but neither am i giving up .. sometimes i am really stubborn cause wateva your doing u didnt actually think bout me while on the other hand i would never stop thinking bout you . i guess obsessed is da word . i would give in every single thing for you but your ignorance is ur strength . i really dont know where we are going to . sometimes the thing we had going , status doesnt really matter , how powerful is that . i tried going on my own way but am too scared i would never find someone like you .. upmostly why oh why do u own an appearance like that if not everything would be perfect . the thing i most hate bout you is you would never give me face when i try cooling things down . seriously after all sacrifices is this wat i deserve ? tears never dried up . wateva you assure me wen i first accepted you as someone special are not with you anymore . i never cheated on you at all why must you take away the trust u once gave initially ? i can be the greatest and different companion dat u had ever had to you if you juz try and not take things so seriously . i really dont mind being with juz one guy for a long period of time .. i juz want the old you back ='( but i guess it wont happen there`s only 2 choices left now . seriously move on or stay and repeat the same things again and again .

thankfully i have a mom who is really understanding though i dont share most stories of my relationship with him . but mom is really supportive and i really appreciate that . i could easily repay her with my studies . though im in this kinda situation i am still going to excel in studies insyaallah . 

Please let this rest , let this settle ..